The fruit of my zbrush labor, this marks the first time I've used that program to model/texture/retopologize/export. It's extremely fun to play around, though the interface and workflow take a whole lot of getting used to.
These are a few of the models I created in my time working with Computer Sciences Corporation and Lockheed Martin.
Transformers: DotM promo
Another spot completed for Cartoon Network while contracting at Trick3D. I pulled duty modeling and animating the mechanical elements, as well as some pre-comping to hand-off to Jim Chappell ( for his AfterEffects wizardry. Moon environment and camera animation was accomplished by Lane Force (
Beyblades 30 second spot
I functioned as part of a two-man team freelancing with Trick3D on this project, I was responsible for building and animating the Beyblades for the opening hero shots, and the animated tagline at the end. Some rejected hero blades found new life as wireframe background elements in Jim Chappell's awesome AfterEffects composite.
Camera Tracking Experiment

Just what it says, this was a quick test that I put together to try out 3DS Max's built-in camera tracking. I used my little Canon Powershot G9, shooting at a stunning 15fps, clearly high end stuff. All in all it didn't turn out too bad considering it was a few hours worth of work with only 5 tracking objects.
Rendered with Vray, Composite in AfterEffects, Model from Turbosquid.
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